Manual publication DB insertion from raw text using syntax features

Publications and conferences of Dr. DIOȘAN Laura, Profesor Universitar

In [27]:
text = """
28. Dobrean, D., Dioşan, L., A Comparative Study of Software Architectures in Mobile Applications, Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai, Seria Informatica, 2019, LXIV(2):49-64
27. Dioșan L., Andreica A., Enescu A, The Use of Simple Cellular Automata in Image Processing, Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai, Seria Informatica, 2017, LXII(1):1-12
26. Mocan R., Dioșan L., Support Vector Machine and Boosting based Multiclass Classification for Traffic Scene Obstacles, Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai, Seria Informatica, 2016, LXI(2):70-81
25. Mocan R., Dioșan L., Obstacle Recognition in Traffic by Adapting the HOG Descriptor and Learning in Layers, Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai, Seria Informatica, 2015, LX(2):47-54
24. Fratean Ș.,  Dioșan L., Descriptors fusion and genetic programming for breast cancer detection, Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai, Seria Informatica, 2015, LX(1):88-97
23. Dioşan L., Andreica A., Multi-objective breast cancer classification by using Multi-Expression Programming, Applied Intelligence, 2015, 43(3):499-511
22. A. Andreica, L. Diosan, R. D. Gaceanu, A. Sîrbu, Pedestrian Recognition by Using Kernel Descriptors, Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai, Seria Informatica, 2013, LVIII, 2, 77-89- pdf, bibTex
21. Dioşan L., Rogozan A. and Pecuchet J.-P., Improving classification performance of Support Vector Machine by genetically optimisation of kernel shape and hyper-parameters, Applied Intelligence, 36(2),280-294, 2012 – pdf, bibTex
20. L. Diosan, A. Rogozan, How the Kernels Can Influence Image Classification Performance, Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai, Seria Informatica, 2012, LVII, 4, 97-109 –  pdf, bibTex
19. Diosan L., Oltean M., Friction-based sorting, Natural Computing, 10(1),527-539, 2011 – pdf, bibTex 
18. Dioşan L., Rogozan A. and Pecuchet J.-P., Learning SVM with complex multiple kernels evolved by Genetic Programming, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools, 19(5),647-677, 2010 – pdf, bibTex
17. A. Sirbu, L. Diosan, A. Rogozan, J.P. Pecuchet, Alignment of Custom Standards by Machine Learning Algorithms, Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai, Seria Informatica, 2010,LV,3 – pdf, bibTex
16. A. Sirbu, L. Diosan, A. Rogozan, J.-P. Pecuchet, Model Alignment by Using the Concept Definition, Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai, Seria Informatica, 2010,LV,1 – pdf, bibTex
15. Diosan Laura, Mihai Oltean, Evolutionary design of Evolutionary Algorithms, Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, Springer, Vol 10, Issue 3, pp. 263-306, 2009 – pdf, bibTex
14. Oltean M., Grosan C., Diosan L., Mihaila C., Genetic Programming with linear representation – a survey, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT), Vol 18, pp. 197-238, 2009 – pdf, bibTex
13. Oltean M., Diosan L., An autonomous GP-based system for regression and classification problems, Applied Soft Computing, 9(1), 49-60, 2008 – pdf, bibTex
12. Diosan L., Oltean M., What else is the evolution of PSO telling us?, Journal of Artificial Evolution and Applications, 1(1), 1-12, 2008- pdf bibTex
11. Diosan L., Dumitrescu D., Evolutionary coalition formation in full connected and scale free networks, International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control (IJCCC) – special issue ICCCC, 3, 259-265, 2008 – bibTex
10. Dioşan L., Rogozan A., Pecuchet J.P., Evolutionary Optimisation of Kernel Functions for SVMs, Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai, Seria Informatica, 2008, LIII, 1, 29-44 –  pdf, bibTex
9. Diosan L., Oltean M., Evolving the update strategy of the Particle Swarm Optimisation algorithms, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT), 1(16), 87-110, 2007 – pdf, bibTex
8. Dioşan L., Dumitrescu, D., Evolutionary Coalition Formation in Complex Networks, Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai, Seria Informatica, 2007, LII, 2, 115-129 – pdf, bibTex
7. Diosan L., Fanea A., Dumitrescu D., Genetic Algorithms based on Ising Machine, The International Journal of Information Technology and Intelligent Computing, 2007 1(3)585-594 – bibTex
6. Fanea A., Diosan L., Component-Based Model Using P-Systems, The International Journal of Information Technology and Intelligent Computing, 2007 1(3)499-508 – bibTex
5. Dioşan, L., Oltean M., Evolving the structure of the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithms , EuroGP2006 & EvoCOP2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag Berlin, Budapest, Hungary, 2006, pp. 25-36, 2006 – pdf, bibTex
4. Dioşan, L., Oltean, M., Evolving crossover operators for function optimization, , EuroGP2006 & EvoCOP2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag Berlin, Budapest, Hungary, 2006 -, 2006, pp. 97-108, 2006 – pdf, bibTex
3. Fanea A., Motogna S., Dioşan L., Automata-based Component Composition Analysis, Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai, Seria Informatica, 2006, LI, 1, 13-20 – pdf, bibTex
2. Dioşan, L., Dumitrescu, D., David D., Far From Equilibrium Computation and Particle Swarm Optimization, Acta Universitatis Apulensis, 2006, 11, 1, 339-352 – pdf, bibTex
1. Fanea, A., Dioşan, L., Components Execution Order using Genetic Algorithms, Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai, Seria Informatica, 2005, L, 2, 23-32 – pdf, bibTex
72. Mursa B., Diosan, L., Andreica, A., Complex networks: How micro and macroscale layers communicate through meso components?, MECO45 45th Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics, 2020, accepted
71. Marginean, R., Andreica, A., Diosan, L., Bálint, Z., Stochastic remote neighborhoods control GrowCut’s segmentation semantics, MECO45 45th Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics, 2020, accepted
70. Limboi, S., Dioșan, L., Hybrid features for Twitter Sentiment Analysis, The 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing , 2020, accepted
69. Mărginean, R., Manole, S., Popa, L., Coman, M., Pop, S., Budurea, C., Andreica, A., Dioşan, L., Bálint, Z., Initial validation of an automatic algorithm for whole heart segmentation from cardiac MRI images using atrial volume determination, European congress of radiology (ECR 2020), 2020, accepted
69. Mărginean, R., Popa, L., Coman, M., Manole, S., Coman, V., Andreica, A., Dioşan, L., Bálint, Z., Extended region growing algorithm for whole heart segmentation from cardiac MRI images, European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology Congress (ESCR 2019), 2019, accepted
67. Dioşan, L., Motogna, S., Artificial intelligence meets software engineering in the classroom, EASEAI@ESEC 2019, 2019, 35-38
66. Enescu, A., Andreica, A., Dioşan, L., Evolved cellular automata for edge detection, GECCO 2019 (Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, ACM, Eds.: Manuel López-Ibáñez), 2019, 316-317
65. Enescu, A., Andreica, A., Dioşan, L., Evolved Cellular Automata for Edge Detection in Binary Images, ICCP 2019, 2019, accepted
64. Tolciu, T., Toma, S., Matei, C., Diosan, L., An initial study of feature extraction’s methods in facial expression recognitio, ICCP 2019, 2019, accepted
63. Enescu, A., Andreica, A., Dioşan, L., Evolved Cellular Automata for Grey Images, SYNASC 2019, 2019, accepted
62. Dumitru, D., Andreica, A., Diosan, L., Balint, Z., Particle Swarm Optimization of Cellular Automata Rules for Edge Detection, SYNASC 2019, 2019, accepted
61. Marginean, R., Andreica, A., Diosan, L., Balint, Z., Autonomous image segmentation by Competitive Unsupervised GrowCut , SYNASC 2019, 2019, accepted
60. Mursa, B., Andreica, A., Dioşan, L., An empirical analysis of the correlation between the motifs frequency and the topological properties of complex networks, KES 2019 (Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information Engineering Systems, September, 2019, Procedia Computer Science, Volume 159, 2019, Pages 333-341, Elsevier, Eds.: Imre J. Rudas, Csirik Janos, Carlos Toro, Janos Botzheim, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain), 2019, 333-341
59. Mursa, B., Andreica, A., Dioşan, L., Mining network motif discovery by learning techniques, HAIS 2019 (In: Pérez García H., Sánchez González L., Castejón Limas M., Quintián Pardo H., Corchado Rodríguez E. (eds) Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. HAIS 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11734. Springer, Cham), 2019, 73-84
58. Dobrean, D., Dioşan, L., An analysis system for mobile applications MVC software architectures, ICSOFT 2019 (The 14th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2019), publisher SciTePress, eds.: Marten van Sinderen and Leszek Maciaszek), 2019, 178-185
57. Dobrean, D., Dioşan, L., Model View Controller in iOS mobile applications development, SEKE 2019 (Proc. of the 31st International Conference on Software Engineering Knowledge Engineering, 2019), 2019, 547-552
56. Mursa, B., Andreica, A., Dioşan, L., Study of connection between articulation points and network motifs in complex networks, ECIS 2019 (In Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Stockholm & Uppsala, Sweden, June 8-14, 2019. ISBN 978-1-7336325-0-8 Research Papers., 2019, 43479
55. Mursa, B., Andreica, A., Dioşan, L., Parallel acceleration of Network Motif detection, SYNASC 2018, 2018, 191-198
54. Nechita, S., Dioşan, L., A four-phase meta-heuristic algorithm for solving large scale instances of the Shift minimization personnel task scheduling problem, SYNASC 2018, 2018, 394-400
53. Marinescu, A., Balint, Z., Dioşan, L.,  Andreica, A., Unsupervised and Fully Autonomous 3D Medical Image Segmentation based on Grow Cut, SYNASC 2018, 2018, 401-408
52. Enescu, A., Andreica, A., Dioşan, L., Evolving Cellular Automata for Two stage Edge Detection, SYNASC 2018, 2018, 417-424
51. Marinescu, A., Balint, Z., Dioşan, L.,  Andreica, A., Dynamic Autonomous Image Segmentation based on GrowCut, ESANN 2018, 2018, 67-72
50. Serban C., Vescan A., Dioșan L., Chisalita-Cretu C., Requirement Dependencies–based Formal Approach for Test Case Prioritization in Regression Testing, ICCP 2017, 2017, 181-188
49. Sandor A., Dioșan L., Andreica A., Hybrid topology in GrowCut algorithm, ECAL 2017, Late-breaking abstracts,, 2017, 19-20
48. Dioșan L., Andreica A., Voiculescu I., Boros I., Avenues for the Use of Cellular Automata In Image Processing, Applications of Evolutionary Computation. EvoApplications 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10199, 2017, 282-296
47. Voiculescu I., Boros I., Popovici N., Dioșan L., Andreica A., Interval{state cellular automata and their applications to image segmentation, SWIMM 2017, 2017, accepted
46. Dioșan L., Andreica A., Voiculescu I., Parameterized Cellular Automata in Image Segmentation, SYNASC 2016, 2016, 199-205
45. Mocan R., Dioșan L., Multiclass classification based on clustering approaches for obstacle recognition in traffic scenes, the 2016 IEEE 12th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, 2016, 257-261
44. Andreica A., Dioșan L., Șandor A., Exploring Various Neighborhoods in Cellular Automata for Image Segmentation, the 2016 IEEE 12th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, 2016, 249-255
43. Andreica A., Dioșan L., Șandor A., Investigation of Cellular Automata Neighbourhoods in Image Segmentation, 6th International Workshop on Combinations of Intelligent Methods and Applications (CIMA 2016), 22nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2016), 2016, 1-8
42. Rus, A., Rogozan, A., Dioșan, L., Benshrair, A., Pedestrian recognition using a dynamic modality fusion approach, ICCP, 2015, 393-400
41. Rus, A., Rogozan, A., Dioșan, L., Benshrair, A., Pedestrian recognition by using a dynamic modality selection approach, ITSC, 2015, 1862 – 1867
40. Rus, A., Rogozan, A., Dioșan, L., Benshrair, A., Pedestrian recognition by using a kernel-based multi-modality approach, SYNASC 2014, 2014, 258-263
39. Sîrbu A., Dioșan L., Rogozan, A., Pécuchet, J.-P., An Automatic Approach In Ontology Alignment, ZAC 2012, pp. 159-163, 2012 – bibTex
38. Sîrbu A., Dioșan L., Rogozan, A., Pécuchet, J.-P., Automatic Alignment of Custom Standards, ZAC 2010, pp.11-14, 2010 – bibTex
37. Diosan L., A. Rogozan, J.-P. Pecuchet, Improving Definition Alignment by SVM with a Kernel of Kernels, KEPT 2009, 180-186, 2009 – bibTex
36. Dioşan, L., and Dumitrescu, D, Context-based Networks – Scale-free or not?Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA, 2008 – bibTex
35. Dioşan, L., Dumitrescu, D., Evolutionary coalition formation in full connected and scale free networks, The IEEE 2nd International Conference on Computers, Communications & Control (ICCCC 2008), 2008, pp. 259-264 – bibTex
34. Dioşan, L., Rogozan, A., Pécuchet, J.-P., Apport des traitements morpho-syntaxiques pour l’alignement des définitions par SVM, 8 ème édition de la conférence francophone Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, EGC, 2008 , 2008, pp. 201-202 – bibTex
33. Dioşan, L., Rogozan, A., Pécuchet, J.-P., Une approche évolutive pour générer des noyaux multiples, 16e congres francophone AFRIF-RFIA, Recnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, 2008, 2008, pp. 498-506 – bibTex
32. Oltean, M., Diosan, L., An adaptive GP strategy for evolving digital circuits, 12th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, KES 2008, Zagreb, Croatia, 2008, 2008, pp. 376-383 – pdf, bibTex
31. Dioşan, L., Rogozan, A., Pécuchet, J.-P., Evolutionary Optimisation of Kernel and Hyper-Parameters for SVM, MCO 2008, 2008, pp. 107-116 – pdf, bibTex
30. Dioşan, L., Rogozan, A., Pécuchet, J.-P., Automatic Alignment of Medical vs. General Terminologies, 11th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, ESANN 2008, 2008, pp. 487-492 – pdf, bibTex
29. Dioşan, L., Rogozan, A., Pécuchet, J.-P., Optimising multiple kernels for SVM by Genetic Programming, EuroGP2008 & EvoCOP2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag Berlin, Napoly, Italy, 2008, pp. 230-241 – pdf, bibTex
28. Dioşan, L., Rogozan, A., Pécuchet, J.-P., Alignement des définitions par un apprentissage SVM avec une optimisation des hyper-paramètre, Grand Colloque STIC 2007, 2007, pp. 1-6 – bibTex
27. Lortal, G., Dioşan, L., Pécuchet, J.-P., Rogozan, A., Du terme au mot: Utilisation de techniques de classification pour l’alignement de terminologies, Terminologie et Intelligence Artificielle, TIA2007, Sophia Antipolis, France, 2007 – bibTex
26. Dioşan, L., Oltean, M., A. Rogozan, J. P. Pecuchet, Improving SVM Performance using a Linear Combination of Kernels, ICANNGA’07, International Conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, Warsaw, Poland, LNCS, 4432, 2007, pp. 218-227 – pdf, bibTex
25. Dioșan, L., and Oltean, M. Who’s better? PESA or NSGA II? In The International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Workshop on Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization: Design and Applications, ISDA 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2007), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 869–874 – pdf, bibTex
24. Dioşan, L., Dumitrescu, D., A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm based on the Potts system, Workshop, NCA, 7th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC07, 2007, pp. 453-456 – pdf, bibTex
23. Dioşan, L., Rogozan, A., Pécuchet, J.-P., Evolving Kernel Functions for SVMs by Genetic Programming, The 2007 International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications ( ICMLA’07), Ohio, USA, 2007, pp. 19-24 – pdf, bibTex
22. Dioşan, L., Oltean, M., Observing the swarm behaviour during its evolutionary design, The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2007, 2007, pp. 2667-2674 – pdf, bibTex
21. Muntean O., Dioşan, L., Oltean, M., Best SubTree Genetic Programming, The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2007, 2007, pp. 1667-1673 – pdf, bibTex
20. Muntean O., Dioşan, L., Oltean, M., Solving the even-n-parity problems using Best Sub Tree Genetic Programming, The NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems, AHS 2007, 2007, pp. 511-518  – pdf, bibTex
19. Dioşan, L., Oltean, M., A. Rogozan, J. P. Pecuchet, Genetically Designed Multiple-Kernels for Improving the SVM Performance, The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2007, 2007, pp. 1873-1874 – pdf, bibTex
18. Dioşan, L., Oltean, M., Evolving Evolutionary Algorithms using Evolutionary Algorithms, The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2007, 2007, pp. 2442 – 2449 – pdf, bibTex
17. Dioşan, L., Oltean, M., A. Rogozan, J. P. Pecuchet, Improving SVM Performance using a Linear Combination of Kernels, ICANNGA’07, International Conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, Warsaw, Poland, LNCS, 4432, 2007, pp. 218-227 – pdf, bibTex
16.  Diosan, L., and Oltean, M. Evolving kernel function for Support Vector Machines. In The 17th European Conference on Articial Intelligence, Evolutionary Computation Workshop, ECAI’06, Riva del Garda, Italy (2006), S. Cagnoni, Ed., Trento University, pp. 11–1 – pdf, bibTex
15. Vescan, A., and Diosan, L. Computational intelligence-based model for component composition. In International Conference on Computers, Communications and Control, ICCCC 2006, Agora University, Oradea, Romania (2006), M.-J. M. Ioan Dzitac, Florin-Gheorghe Filip, Ed., Universiatea din Oradea, pp. 474–479 – pdf, bibTex
14. Vescan, A., and Diosan, L. Evolutionary approach for behaviour component composition. In International Conference on Computers, Communications and Control, ICCCC 2006, Agora University, Oradea, Romania (2006), F.-G. F. Ioan Dzitac and M.-J. Manolescu, Eds., Universiatea din Oradea, pp. 480–485 – pdf, bibTex
13. David, D., Dioşan, L., Dumitrescu, D., A Far From Equilibrium Computation System, the 6th IEEE Communications International Conference, Bucuresti, 2006, pp. 245-248 – bibTex
12. David, D., Dioşan, L., and Dumitrescu, D., A Far From Equilibrium Model for the Classification Problem, Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA, 2006, pp. 1- 6 – bibTex
11. Dioşan, L., Mihailescu, I.,Identifying and Forecasting the Efficient Frontier Using Evolutionary Computation, Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA, 2006, pp. 97-102 – bibTex
10. David, D., Dioşan, L., and Dumitrescu, D., A new Computational Model Based Ising Machine, Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA, 2005, 99-104 – bibTex
9. Dioşan, L., and Dumitrescu, D., Cellular Computing using Cellular Neural Networks – a survive, Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA, 2005, pp. 219-225 – bibTex
8. Dioşan, L., Fanea, A., Designing a Component-Based Machine using Multi Expression Programming, Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA, 2005, pp. 93-98 – bibTex
7. David, D., Dioşan, L., Dumitrescu, D., A New Nature-Inspired Computational Model – Ising Model with Rays, Proceeding of7th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC05, IEEE Computer Society, 2005, pp. 315-320 – pdf, bibTex
6. Dioşan, L., A multi-objective evolutionary approach to the portfolio optimization problem, International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling Control and Automation, CIMCA 2005, Vienna, Austria, IEEE Press, 2005, pp. 183-188 – pdf, bibTex
5. Dumitrescu, D., Dioşan, L., Serban G., Campan, A., Daraban, A., Pop, H. F., Tambulea.L., Cooperative Learning for Distributed Data Mining, International Conference – the Impact of European Integration on the National Economy, Ed. Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, 2005, 2005, pp. 432 – 440 – bibTex
4. David, D., Dioşan, L., Dumitrescu, D., A new Computational Model Based on Ising Machine – Ising model with rays, , Workshop, NCA, 7th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC05 September 25-29, Timisoara, 2005, 2005, pp. 45-51 – bibTex
3. Dioşan, L., Dumitrescu, D., David D., Far From Equilibrium Computation and Particle Swarm Optimization, International Conference on Theory and Applications in Mathematics and Informatics – ICTAMI 2005 September 15-18, 2005, pp. 42-43 – bibTex
2. Oltean, M., Sas, L., A Comparison of Genetic Programming and Statistical Methods for Solving Prediction Problems, International Conference on Computers and Communications, ICCC 2004 Mai 27-29, Băile Felix – Oradea, 2004, pp. 321-326 – bibTex
1. Sas (Dioșan), L., Statistical methods versus Genetic Algorithms – the case of market model, Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA, 2004, pp. 111-116 – bibTex

In [44]:
papers = []
for line in text.split('\n'):
    fields_csv = line.split(',')
    title = None
    affiliation = None
    date = None
    for k in fields_csv:
        if len(k.split(' ')) > 3:
            if title == None:
                title = k
            elif affiliation == None:
                affiliation = k
        date_field = True
        if len(k) > 2 and (k[0] == '2' or k[1] == '2'):
            for c in k.split('-')[0]:
                if c not in "12345657890 ":
                    date_field = False
            if date_field and date == None:
                date = k
    print("title: {0}".format(title))
    print("affiliation: {0}".format(affiliation))
    print("date: {0}".format(date))
    papers.append((title, affiliation, date))

title: None
affiliation: None
date: None
title:  A Comparative Study of Software Architectures in Mobile Applications
affiliation:  Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai
date:  2019
title:  The Use of Simple Cellular Automata in Image Processing
affiliation:  Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai
date:  2017
title:  Support Vector Machine and Boosting based Multiclass Classification for Traffic Scene Obstacles
affiliation:  Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai
date:  2016
title:  Obstacle Recognition in Traffic by Adapting the HOG Descriptor and Learning in Layers
affiliation:  Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai
date:  2015
title:   Dioșan L.
affiliation:  Descriptors fusion and genetic programming for breast cancer detection
date:  2015
title:  Multi-objective breast cancer classification by using Multi-Expression Programming
affiliation: None
date:  2015
title:  R. D. Gaceanu
affiliation:  Pedestrian Recognition by Using Kernel Descriptors
date:  2013
title:  Rogozan A. and Pecuchet J.-P.
affiliation:  Improving classification performance of Support Vector Machine by genetically optimisation of kernel shape and hyper-parameters
date: 280-294
title:  How the Kernels Can Influence Image Classification Performance
affiliation:  Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai
date:  2012
title:  2011 – pdf
affiliation: None
date: 527-539
title:  Rogozan A. and Pecuchet J.-P.
affiliation:  Learning SVM with complex multiple kernels evolved by Genetic Programming
date: None
title:  Alignment of Custom Standards by Machine Learning Algorithms
affiliation:  Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai
date:  2010
title:  Model Alignment by Using the Concept Definition
affiliation:  Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai
date:  2010
title:  Evolutionary design of Evolutionary Algorithms
affiliation:  Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines
date: None
title:  Genetic Programming with linear representation – a survey
affiliation:  International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT)
date: None
title:  An autonomous GP-based system for regression and classification problems
affiliation:  Applied Soft Computing
date: None
title:  What else is the evolution of PSO telling us?
affiliation:  Journal of Artificial Evolution and Applications
date:  2008- pdf bibTex
title:  Evolutionary coalition formation in full connected and scale free networks
affiliation:  International Journal of Computers
date:  259-265
title:  Evolutionary Optimisation of Kernel Functions for SVMs
affiliation:  Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai
date:  2008
title:  Evolving the update strategy of the Particle Swarm Optimisation algorithms
affiliation:  International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT)
date: None
title:  Evolutionary Coalition Formation in Complex Networks
affiliation:  Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai
date:  2007
title:  Genetic Algorithms based on Ising Machine
affiliation:  The International Journal of Information Technology and Intelligent Computing
date: None
title:  Component-Based Model Using P-Systems
affiliation:  The International Journal of Information Technology and Intelligent Computing
date: None
title:  Evolving the structure of the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithms 
affiliation:  EuroGP2006 & EvoCOP2006
date:  2006
title:  Evolving crossover operators for function optimization
affiliation:  EuroGP2006 & EvoCOP2006
date:  2006 -
title:  Automata-based Component Composition Analysis
affiliation:  Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai
date:  2006
title:  Far From Equilibrium Computation and Particle Swarm Optimization
affiliation:  Acta Universitatis Apulensis
date:  2006
title:  Components Execution Order using Genetic Algorithms
affiliation:  Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai
date:  2005
title:  Complex networks: How micro and macroscale layers communicate through meso components?
affiliation:  MECO45 45th Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics
date:  2020
title:  Stochastic remote neighborhoods control GrowCut’s segmentation semantics
affiliation:  MECO45 45th Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics
date:  2020
title:  Hybrid features for Twitter Sentiment Analysis
affiliation:  The 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 
date:  2020
title:  Initial validation of an automatic algorithm for whole heart segmentation from cardiac MRI images using atrial volume determination
affiliation:  European congress of radiology (ECR 2020)
date:  2020
title:  Extended region growing algorithm for whole heart segmentation from cardiac MRI images
affiliation:  European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology Congress (ESCR 2019)
date:  2019
title:  Artificial intelligence meets software engineering in the classroom
affiliation: None
date:  2019
title:  Evolved cellular automata for edge detection
affiliation:  GECCO 2019 (Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion
date:  2019
title:  Evolved Cellular Automata for Edge Detection in Binary Images
affiliation: None
date:  2019
title:  An initial study of feature extraction’s methods in facial expression recognitio
affiliation: None
date:  2019
title:  Evolved Cellular Automata for Grey Images
affiliation: None
date:  2019
title:  Particle Swarm Optimization of Cellular Automata Rules for Edge Detection
affiliation: None
date:  2019
title:  Autonomous image segmentation by Competitive Unsupervised GrowCut 
affiliation: None
date:  2019
title:  An empirical analysis of the correlation between the motifs frequency and the topological properties of complex networks
affiliation:  KES 2019 (Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information Engineering Systems
date:  2019
title:  Mining network motif discovery by learning techniques
affiliation:  HAIS 2019 (In: Pérez García H.
date:  2019
title:  An analysis system for mobile applications MVC software architectures
affiliation:  ICSOFT 2019 (The 14th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2019)
date:  2019
title:  Model View Controller in iOS mobile applications development
affiliation:  SEKE 2019 (Proc. of the 31st International Conference on Software Engineering Knowledge Engineering
date:  2019
title:  Study of connection between articulation points and network motifs in complex networks
affiliation:  ECIS 2019 (In Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)
date: None
title: None
affiliation: None
date:  2019
title:  Parallel acceleration of Network Motif detection
affiliation: None
date:  2018
title:  A four-phase meta-heuristic algorithm for solving large scale instances of the Shift minimization personnel task scheduling problem
affiliation: None
date:  2018
title:  Unsupervised and Fully Autonomous 3D Medical Image Segmentation based on Grow Cut
affiliation: None
date:  2018
title:  Evolving Cellular Automata for Two stage Edge Detection
affiliation: None
date:  2018
title:  Dynamic Autonomous Image Segmentation based on GrowCut
affiliation: None
date:  2018
title:  Requirement Dependencies–based Formal Approach for Test Case Prioritization in Regression Testing
affiliation: None
date:  2017
title:  Hybrid topology in GrowCut algorithm
affiliation: None
date:  2017
title:  Avenues for the Use of Cellular Automata In Image Processing
affiliation:  Applications of Evolutionary Computation. EvoApplications 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
date:  2017
title:  Interval{state cellular automata and their applications to image segmentation
affiliation: None
date:  2017
title:  Parameterized Cellular Automata in Image Segmentation
affiliation: None
date:  2016
title:  Multiclass classification based on clustering approaches for obstacle recognition in traffic scenes
affiliation:  the 2016 IEEE 12th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing
date:  2016
title:  Exploring Various Neighborhoods in Cellular Automata for Image Segmentation
affiliation:  the 2016 IEEE 12th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing
date:  2016
title:  Investigation of Cellular Automata Neighbourhoods in Image Segmentation
affiliation:  6th International Workshop on Combinations of Intelligent Methods and Applications (CIMA 2016)
date:  2016
title:  Pedestrian recognition using a dynamic modality fusion approach
affiliation: None
date:  2015
title:  Pedestrian recognition by using a dynamic modality selection approach
affiliation:  1862 – 1867
date:  2015
title:  Pedestrian recognition by using a kernel-based multi-modality approach
affiliation: None
date:  2014
title:  An Automatic Approach In Ontology Alignment
affiliation:  2012 – bibTex
date: None
title:  Automatic Alignment of Custom Standards
affiliation:  2010 – bibTex
date: None
title:  Improving Definition Alignment by SVM with a Kernel of Kernels
affiliation:  2009 – bibTex
date: None
title:  Context-based Networks – Scale-free or not?Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA
affiliation:  2008 – bibTex
date: None
title:  Evolutionary coalition formation in full connected and scale free networks
affiliation:  The IEEE 2nd International Conference on Computers
date:  2008
title:  Apport des traitements morpho-syntaxiques pour l’alignement des définitions par SVM
affiliation:  8 ème édition de la conférence francophone Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances
date:  2008 
title:  Une approche évolutive pour générer des noyaux multiples
affiliation:  16e congres francophone AFRIF-RFIA
date:  2008
title:  An adaptive GP strategy for evolving digital circuits
affiliation:  12th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems
date:  2008
title:  Evolutionary Optimisation of Kernel and Hyper-Parameters for SVM
affiliation:  pp. 107-116 – pdf
date:  2008
title:  Automatic Alignment of Medical vs. General Terminologies
affiliation:  11th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks
date:  2008
title:  Optimising multiple kernels for SVM by Genetic Programming
affiliation:  EuroGP2008 & EvoCOP2008
date:  2008
title:  Alignement des définitions par un apprentissage SVM avec une optimisation des hyper-paramètre
affiliation:  Grand Colloque STIC 2007
date:  2007
title:  Du terme au mot: Utilisation de techniques de classification pour l’alignement de terminologies
affiliation:  Terminologie et Intelligence Artificielle
date: None
title:  J. P. Pecuchet
affiliation:  Improving SVM Performance using a Linear Combination of Kernels
date:  2007
title:  M. Who’s better? PESA or NSGA II? In The International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications
affiliation:  Workshop on Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization: Design and Applications
date: None
title:  A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm based on the Potts system
affiliation:  7th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing
date:  2007
title:  Evolving Kernel Functions for SVMs by Genetic Programming
affiliation:  The 2007 International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications ( ICMLA’07)
date:  2007
title:  Observing the swarm behaviour during its evolutionary design
affiliation:  The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
date:  2007
title:  Best SubTree Genetic Programming
affiliation:  The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
date:  2007
title:  Solving the even-n-parity problems using Best Sub Tree Genetic Programming
affiliation:  The NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems
date:  2007
title:  J. P. Pecuchet
affiliation:  Genetically Designed Multiple-Kernels for Improving the SVM Performance
date:  2007
title:  Evolving Evolutionary Algorithms using Evolutionary Algorithms
affiliation:  The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
date:  2007
title:  J. P. Pecuchet
affiliation:  Improving SVM Performance using a Linear Combination of Kernels
date:  2007
title:  M. Evolving kernel function for Support Vector Machines. In The 17th European Conference on Articial Intelligence
affiliation:  Evolutionary Computation Workshop
date: None
title:  L. Computational intelligence-based model for component composition. In International Conference on Computers
affiliation:  Communications and Control
date: None
title:  L. Evolutionary approach for behaviour component composition. In International Conference on Computers
affiliation:  Communications and Control
date: None
title:  A Far From Equilibrium Computation System
affiliation:  the 6th IEEE Communications International Conference
date:  2006
title:  A Far From Equilibrium Model for the Classification Problem
affiliation:  Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA
date:  2006
title: Identifying and Forecasting the Efficient Frontier Using Evolutionary Computation
affiliation:  Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA
date:  2006
title:  A new Computational Model Based Ising Machine
affiliation:  Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA
date:  2005
title:  Cellular Computing using Cellular Neural Networks – a survive
affiliation:  Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA
date:  2005
title:  Designing a Component-Based Machine using Multi Expression Programming
affiliation:  Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA
date:  2005
title:  A New Nature-Inspired Computational Model – Ising Model with Rays
affiliation:  Proceeding of7th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing
date:  2005
title:  A multi-objective evolutionary approach to the portfolio optimization problem
affiliation:  International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling Control and Automation
date:  2005
title:  Cooperative Learning for Distributed Data Mining
affiliation:  International Conference – the Impact of European Integration on the National Economy
date:  2005
title:  A new Computational Model Based on Ising Machine – Ising model with rays
affiliation:  7th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing
date:  2005
title:  Far From Equilibrium Computation and Particle Swarm Optimization
affiliation:  International Conference on Theory and Applications in Mathematics and Informatics – ICTAMI 2005 September 15-18
date:  2005
title:  A Comparison of Genetic Programming and Statistical Methods for Solving Prediction Problems
affiliation:  International Conference on Computers and Communications
date:  2004
title:  Statistical methods versus Genetic Algorithms – the case of market model
affiliation:  Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA
date:  2004
title: None
affiliation: None
date: None

In [45]:

[(None, None, None),
 (' A Comparative Study of Software Architectures in Mobile Applications',
  ' Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai',
  ' 2019'),
 (' The Use of Simple Cellular Automata in Image Processing',
  ' Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai',
  ' 2017'),
 (' Support Vector Machine and Boosting based Multiclass Classification for Traffic Scene Obstacles',
  ' Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai',
  ' 2016'),
 (' Obstacle Recognition in Traffic by Adapting the HOG Descriptor and Learning in Layers',
  ' Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai',
  ' 2015'),
 ('  Dioșan L.',
  ' Descriptors fusion and genetic programming for breast cancer detection',
  ' 2015'),
 (' Multi-objective breast cancer classification by using Multi-Expression Programming',
  ' 2015'),
 (' R. D. Gaceanu',
  ' Pedestrian Recognition by Using Kernel Descriptors',
  ' 2013'),
 (' Rogozan A. and Pecuchet J.-P.',
  ' Improving classification performance of Support Vector Machine by genetically optimisation of kernel shape and hyper-parameters',
 (' How the Kernels Can Influence Image Classification Performance',
  ' Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai',
  ' 2012'),
 (' 2011 – pdf', None, '527-539'),
 (' Rogozan A. and Pecuchet J.-P.',
  ' Learning SVM with complex multiple kernels evolved by Genetic Programming',
 (' Alignment of Custom Standards by Machine Learning Algorithms',
  ' Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai',
  ' 2010'),
 (' Model Alignment by Using the Concept Definition',
  ' Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai',
  ' 2010'),
 (' Evolutionary design of Evolutionary Algorithms',
  ' Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines',
 (' Genetic Programming with linear representation – a survey',
  ' International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT)',
 (' An autonomous GP-based system for regression and classification problems',
  ' Applied Soft Computing',
 (' What else is the evolution of PSO telling us?',
  ' Journal of Artificial Evolution and Applications',
  ' 2008- pdf bibTex'),
 (' Evolutionary coalition formation in full connected and scale free networks',
  ' International Journal of Computers',
  ' 259-265'),
 (' Evolutionary Optimisation of Kernel Functions for SVMs',
  ' Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai',
  ' 2008'),
 (' Evolving the update strategy of the Particle Swarm Optimisation algorithms',
  ' International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT)',
 (' Evolutionary Coalition Formation in Complex Networks',
  ' Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai',
  ' 2007'),
 (' Genetic Algorithms based on Ising Machine',
  ' The International Journal of Information Technology and Intelligent Computing',
 (' Component-Based Model Using P-Systems',
  ' The International Journal of Information Technology and Intelligent Computing',
 (' Evolving the structure of the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithms ',
  ' EuroGP2006 & EvoCOP2006',
  ' 2006'),
 (' Evolving crossover operators for function optimization',
  ' EuroGP2006 & EvoCOP2006',
  ' 2006 -'),
 (' Automata-based Component Composition Analysis',
  ' Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai',
  ' 2006'),
 (' Far From Equilibrium Computation and Particle Swarm Optimization',
  ' Acta Universitatis Apulensis',
  ' 2006'),
 (' Components Execution Order using Genetic Algorithms',
  ' Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai',
  ' 2005'),
 (' Complex networks: How micro and macroscale layers communicate through meso components?',
  ' MECO45 45th Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics',
  ' 2020'),
 (' Stochastic remote neighborhoods control GrowCut’s segmentation semantics',
  ' MECO45 45th Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics',
  ' 2020'),
 (' Hybrid features for Twitter Sentiment Analysis',
  ' The 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing ',
  ' 2020'),
 (' Initial validation of an automatic algorithm for whole heart segmentation from cardiac MRI images using atrial volume determination',
  ' European congress of radiology (ECR 2020)',
  ' 2020'),
 (' Extended region growing algorithm for whole heart segmentation from cardiac MRI images',
  ' European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology Congress (ESCR 2019)',
  ' 2019'),
 (' Artificial intelligence meets software engineering in the classroom',
  ' 2019'),
 (' Evolved cellular automata for edge detection',
  ' GECCO 2019 (Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion',
  ' 2019'),
 (' Evolved Cellular Automata for Edge Detection in Binary Images',
  ' 2019'),
 (' An initial study of feature extraction’s methods in facial expression recognitio',
  ' 2019'),
 (' Evolved Cellular Automata for Grey Images', None, ' 2019'),
 (' Particle Swarm Optimization of Cellular Automata Rules for Edge Detection',
  ' 2019'),
 (' Autonomous image segmentation by Competitive Unsupervised GrowCut ',
  ' 2019'),
 (' An empirical analysis of the correlation between the motifs frequency and the topological properties of complex networks',
  ' KES 2019 (Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information Engineering Systems',
  ' 2019'),
 (' Mining network motif discovery by learning techniques',
  ' HAIS 2019 (In: Pérez García H.',
  ' 2019'),
 (' An analysis system for mobile applications MVC software architectures',
  ' ICSOFT 2019 (The 14th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2019)',
  ' 2019'),
 (' Model View Controller in iOS mobile applications development',
  ' SEKE 2019 (Proc. of the 31st International Conference on Software Engineering Knowledge Engineering',
  ' 2019'),
 (' Study of connection between articulation points and network motifs in complex networks',
  ' ECIS 2019 (In Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)',
 (None, None, ' 2019'),
 (' Parallel acceleration of Network Motif detection', None, ' 2018'),
 (' A four-phase meta-heuristic algorithm for solving large scale instances of the Shift minimization personnel task scheduling problem',
  ' 2018'),
 (' Unsupervised and Fully Autonomous 3D Medical Image Segmentation based on Grow Cut',
  ' 2018'),
 (' Evolving Cellular Automata for Two stage Edge Detection', None, ' 2018'),
 (' Dynamic Autonomous Image Segmentation based on GrowCut', None, ' 2018'),
 (' Requirement Dependencies–based Formal Approach for Test Case Prioritization in Regression Testing',
  ' 2017'),
 (' Hybrid topology in GrowCut algorithm', None, ' 2017'),
 (' Avenues for the Use of Cellular Automata In Image Processing',
  ' Applications of Evolutionary Computation. EvoApplications 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science',
  ' 2017'),
 (' Interval{state cellular automata and their applications to image segmentation',
  ' 2017'),
 (' Parameterized Cellular Automata in Image Segmentation', None, ' 2016'),
 (' Multiclass classification based on clustering approaches for obstacle recognition in traffic scenes',
  ' the 2016 IEEE 12th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing',
  ' 2016'),
 (' Exploring Various Neighborhoods in Cellular Automata for Image Segmentation',
  ' the 2016 IEEE 12th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing',
  ' 2016'),
 (' Investigation of Cellular Automata Neighbourhoods in Image Segmentation',
  ' 6th International Workshop on Combinations of Intelligent Methods and Applications (CIMA 2016)',
  ' 2016'),
 (' Pedestrian recognition using a dynamic modality fusion approach',
  ' 2015'),
 (' Pedestrian recognition by using a dynamic modality selection approach',
  ' 1862 – 1867',
  ' 2015'),
 (' Pedestrian recognition by using a kernel-based multi-modality approach',
  ' 2014'),
 (' An Automatic Approach In Ontology Alignment', ' 2012 – bibTex', None),
 (' Automatic Alignment of Custom Standards', ' 2010 – bibTex', None),
 (' Improving Definition Alignment by SVM with a Kernel of Kernels',
  ' 2009 – bibTex',
 (' Context-based Networks – Scale-free or not?Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA',
  ' 2008 – bibTex',
 (' Evolutionary coalition formation in full connected and scale free networks',
  ' The IEEE 2nd International Conference on Computers',
  ' 2008'),
 (' Apport des traitements morpho-syntaxiques pour l’alignement des définitions par SVM',
  ' 8 ème édition de la conférence francophone Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances',
  ' 2008 '),
 (' Une approche évolutive pour générer des noyaux multiples',
  ' 16e congres francophone AFRIF-RFIA',
  ' 2008'),
 (' An adaptive GP strategy for evolving digital circuits',
  ' 12th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems',
  ' 2008'),
 (' Evolutionary Optimisation of Kernel and Hyper-Parameters for SVM',
  ' pp. 107-116 – pdf',
  ' 2008'),
 (' Automatic Alignment of Medical vs. General Terminologies',
  ' 11th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks',
  ' 2008'),
 (' Optimising multiple kernels for SVM by Genetic Programming',
  ' EuroGP2008 & EvoCOP2008',
  ' 2008'),
 (' Alignement des définitions par un apprentissage SVM avec une optimisation des hyper-paramètre',
  ' Grand Colloque STIC 2007',
  ' 2007'),
 (' Du terme au mot: Utilisation de techniques de classification pour l’alignement de terminologies',
  ' Terminologie et Intelligence Artificielle',
 (' J. P. Pecuchet',
  ' Improving SVM Performance using a Linear Combination of Kernels',
  ' 2007'),
 (' M. Who’s better? PESA or NSGA II? In The International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications',
  ' Workshop on Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization: Design and Applications',
 (' A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm based on the Potts system',
  ' 7th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing',
  ' 2007'),
 (' Evolving Kernel Functions for SVMs by Genetic Programming',
  ' The 2007 International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications ( ICMLA’07)',
  ' 2007'),
 (' Observing the swarm behaviour during its evolutionary design',
  ' The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference',
  ' 2007'),
 (' Best SubTree Genetic Programming',
  ' The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference',
  ' 2007'),
 (' Solving the even-n-parity problems using Best Sub Tree Genetic Programming',
  ' The NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems',
  ' 2007'),
 (' J. P. Pecuchet',
  ' Genetically Designed Multiple-Kernels for Improving the SVM Performance',
  ' 2007'),
 (' Evolving Evolutionary Algorithms using Evolutionary Algorithms',
  ' The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference',
  ' 2007'),
 (' J. P. Pecuchet',
  ' Improving SVM Performance using a Linear Combination of Kernels',
  ' 2007'),
 (' M. Evolving kernel function for Support Vector Machines. In The 17th European Conference on Arti\x0ccial Intelligence',
  ' Evolutionary Computation Workshop',
 (' L. Computational intelligence-based model for component composition. In International Conference on Computers',
  ' Communications and Control',
 (' L. Evolutionary approach for behaviour component composition. In International Conference on Computers',
  ' Communications and Control',
 (' A Far From Equilibrium Computation System',
  ' the 6th IEEE Communications International Conference',
  ' 2006'),
 (' A Far From Equilibrium Model for the Classification Problem',
  ' Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA',
  ' 2006'),
 ('Identifying and Forecasting the Efficient Frontier Using Evolutionary Computation',
  ' Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA',
  ' 2006'),
 (' A new Computational Model Based Ising Machine',
  ' Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA',
  ' 2005'),
 (' Cellular Computing using Cellular Neural Networks – a survive',
  ' Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA',
  ' 2005'),
 (' Designing a Component-Based Machine using Multi Expression Programming',
  ' Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA',
  ' 2005'),
 (' A New Nature-Inspired Computational Model – Ising Model with Rays',
  ' Proceeding of7th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing',
  ' 2005'),
 (' A multi-objective evolutionary approach to the portfolio optimization problem',
  ' International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling Control and Automation',
  ' 2005'),
 (' Cooperative Learning for Distributed Data Mining',
  ' International Conference – the Impact of European Integration on the National Economy',
  ' 2005'),
 (' A new Computational Model Based on Ising Machine – Ising model with rays',
  ' 7th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing',
  ' 2005'),
 (' Far From Equilibrium Computation and Particle Swarm Optimization',
  ' International Conference on Theory and Applications in Mathematics and Informatics – ICTAMI 2005 September 15-18',
  ' 2005'),
 (' A Comparison of Genetic Programming and Statistical Methods for Solving Prediction Problems',
  ' International Conference on Computers and Communications',
  ' 2004'),
 (' Statistical methods versus Genetic Algorithms – the case of market model',
  ' Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA',
  ' 2004'),
 (None, None, None)]

DB Storage

Time to store the entries in the papers DB table.

In [15]:
import mariadb
import json

In [17]:
with open('../credentials.json', 'r') as crd_json_fd:
    json_text =
    json_obj = json.loads(json_text)

In [18]:
credentials = json_obj["Credentials"]
username = credentials["username"]
password = credentials["password"]

In [47]:
table_name = "publications"
db_name = "ubbcluj"

In [49]:
mariadb_connection = mariadb.connect(user=username, password=password, database=db_name)
mariadb_cursor = mariadb_connection.cursor()

In [67]:
for paper in papers[1:-1]:
    title = ""
    pub_date = ""
    affiliations = ""
        pub_date = paper[2].lstrip()
        pub_date = str(pub_date) + "-01-01"
        if len(pub_date) != 10:
            pub_date = ""
        title = paper[0].lstrip()
        affiliations = paper[1].lstrip()
    except AttributeError:
    insert_string = "INSERT INTO {0} SET ".format(table_name)
    insert_string += "Title=\'{0}\', ".format(title)
    insert_string += "ProfessorId=\'{0}\', ".format(4)
    if pub_date != "":
        insert_string += "PublicationDate=\'{0}\', ".format(str(pub_date))
    insert_string += "Authors=\'{0}\', ".format("EMPTY")
    insert_string += "Affiliations=\'{0}\' ".format(affiliations)
    except mariadb.ProgrammingError as pe:
        raise pe
    except mariadb.IntegrityError:

INSERT INTO publications SET Title='A Comparative Study of Software Architectures in Mobile Applications', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2019-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='The Use of Simple Cellular Automata in Image Processing', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2017-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Support Vector Machine and Boosting based Multiclass Classification for Traffic Scene Obstacles', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2016-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Obstacle Recognition in Traffic by Adapting the HOG Descriptor and Learning in Layers', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2015-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Dioșan L.', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2015-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Descriptors fusion and genetic programming for breast cancer detection' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Multi-objective breast cancer classification by using Multi-Expression Programming', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2015-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='R. D. Gaceanu', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2013-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Pedestrian Recognition by Using Kernel Descriptors' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Rogozan A. and Pecuchet J.-P.', ProfessorId='4', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Improving classification performance of Support Vector Machine by genetically optimisation of kernel shape and hyper-parameters' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='How the Kernels Can Influence Image Classification Performance', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2012-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='2011 – pdf', ProfessorId='4', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Rogozan A. and Pecuchet J.-P.', ProfessorId='4', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Learning SVM with complex multiple kernels evolved by Genetic Programming' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Alignment of Custom Standards by Machine Learning Algorithms', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2010-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Model Alignment by Using the Concept Definition', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2010-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Evolutionary design of Evolutionary Algorithms', ProfessorId='4', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Genetic Programming with linear representation – a survey', ProfessorId='4', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT)' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='An autonomous GP-based system for regression and classification problems', ProfessorId='4', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Applied Soft Computing' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='What else is the evolution of PSO telling us?', ProfessorId='4', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Journal of Artificial Evolution and Applications' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Evolutionary coalition formation in full connected and scale free networks', ProfessorId='4', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='International Journal of Computers' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Evolutionary Optimisation of Kernel Functions for SVMs', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2008-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Evolving the update strategy of the Particle Swarm Optimisation algorithms', ProfessorId='4', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT)' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Evolutionary Coalition Formation in Complex Networks', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2007-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Genetic Algorithms based on Ising Machine', ProfessorId='4', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='The International Journal of Information Technology and Intelligent Computing' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Component-Based Model Using P-Systems', ProfessorId='4', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='The International Journal of Information Technology and Intelligent Computing' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Evolving the structure of the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithms ', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2006-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='EuroGP2006 & EvoCOP2006' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Evolving crossover operators for function optimization', ProfessorId='4', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='EuroGP2006 & EvoCOP2006' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Automata-based Component Composition Analysis', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2006-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Far From Equilibrium Computation and Particle Swarm Optimization', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2006-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Acta Universitatis Apulensis' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Components Execution Order using Genetic Algorithms', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2005-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Complex networks: How micro and macroscale layers communicate through meso components?', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2020-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='MECO45 45th Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Stochastic remote neighborhoods control GrowCut’s segmentation semantics', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2020-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='MECO45 45th Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Hybrid features for Twitter Sentiment Analysis', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2020-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='The 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing ' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Initial validation of an automatic algorithm for whole heart segmentation from cardiac MRI images using atrial volume determination', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2020-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='European congress of radiology (ECR 2020)' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Extended region growing algorithm for whole heart segmentation from cardiac MRI images', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2019-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology Congress (ESCR 2019)' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Artificial intelligence meets software engineering in the classroom', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2019-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Evolved cellular automata for edge detection', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2019-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='GECCO 2019 (Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Evolved Cellular Automata for Edge Detection in Binary Images', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2019-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='An initial study of feature extraction’s methods in facial expression recognitio', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2019-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Evolved Cellular Automata for Grey Images', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2019-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Particle Swarm Optimization of Cellular Automata Rules for Edge Detection', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2019-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Autonomous image segmentation by Competitive Unsupervised GrowCut ', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2019-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='An empirical analysis of the correlation between the motifs frequency and the topological properties of complex networks', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2019-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='KES 2019 (Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information Engineering Systems' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Mining network motif discovery by learning techniques', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2019-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='HAIS 2019 (In: Pérez García H.' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='An analysis system for mobile applications MVC software architectures', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2019-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='ICSOFT 2019 (The 14th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2019)' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Model View Controller in iOS mobile applications development', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2019-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='SEKE 2019 (Proc. of the 31st International Conference on Software Engineering Knowledge Engineering' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Study of connection between articulation points and network motifs in complex networks', ProfessorId='4', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='ECIS 2019 (In Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2019-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Parallel acceleration of Network Motif detection', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2018-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='A four-phase meta-heuristic algorithm for solving large scale instances of the Shift minimization personnel task scheduling problem', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2018-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Unsupervised and Fully Autonomous 3D Medical Image Segmentation based on Grow Cut', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2018-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Evolving Cellular Automata for Two stage Edge Detection', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2018-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Dynamic Autonomous Image Segmentation based on GrowCut', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2018-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Requirement Dependencies–based Formal Approach for Test Case Prioritization in Regression Testing', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2017-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Hybrid topology in GrowCut algorithm', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2017-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Avenues for the Use of Cellular Automata In Image Processing', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2017-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Applications of Evolutionary Computation. EvoApplications 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Interval{state cellular automata and their applications to image segmentation', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2017-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Parameterized Cellular Automata in Image Segmentation', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2016-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Multiclass classification based on clustering approaches for obstacle recognition in traffic scenes', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2016-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='the 2016 IEEE 12th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Exploring Various Neighborhoods in Cellular Automata for Image Segmentation', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2016-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='the 2016 IEEE 12th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Investigation of Cellular Automata Neighbourhoods in Image Segmentation', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2016-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='6th International Workshop on Combinations of Intelligent Methods and Applications (CIMA 2016)' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Pedestrian recognition using a dynamic modality fusion approach', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2015-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Pedestrian recognition by using a dynamic modality selection approach', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2015-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='1862 – 1867' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Pedestrian recognition by using a kernel-based multi-modality approach', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2014-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='An Automatic Approach In Ontology Alignment', ProfessorId='4', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='2012 – bibTex' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Automatic Alignment of Custom Standards', ProfessorId='4', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='2010 – bibTex' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Improving Definition Alignment by SVM with a Kernel of Kernels', ProfessorId='4', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='2009 – bibTex' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Context-based Networks – Scale-free or not?Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA', ProfessorId='4', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='2008 – bibTex' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Evolutionary coalition formation in full connected and scale free networks', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2008-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='The IEEE 2nd International Conference on Computers' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Apport des traitements morpho-syntaxiques pour l’alignement des définitions par SVM', ProfessorId='4', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='8 ème édition de la conférence francophone Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Une approche évolutive pour générer des noyaux multiples', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2008-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='16e congres francophone AFRIF-RFIA' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='An adaptive GP strategy for evolving digital circuits', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2008-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='12th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Evolutionary Optimisation of Kernel and Hyper-Parameters for SVM', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2008-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='pp. 107-116 – pdf' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Automatic Alignment of Medical vs. General Terminologies', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2008-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='11th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Optimising multiple kernels for SVM by Genetic Programming', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2008-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='EuroGP2008 & EvoCOP2008' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Alignement des définitions par un apprentissage SVM avec une optimisation des hyper-paramètre', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2007-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Grand Colloque STIC 2007' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Du terme au mot: Utilisation de techniques de classification pour l’alignement de terminologies', ProfessorId='4', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Terminologie et Intelligence Artificielle' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='J. P. Pecuchet', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2007-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Improving SVM Performance using a Linear Combination of Kernels' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='M. Who’s better? PESA or NSGA II? In The International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications', ProfessorId='4', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Workshop on Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization: Design and Applications' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm based on the Potts system', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2007-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='7th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Evolving Kernel Functions for SVMs by Genetic Programming', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2007-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='The 2007 International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications ( ICMLA’07)' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Observing the swarm behaviour during its evolutionary design', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2007-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Best SubTree Genetic Programming', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2007-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Solving the even-n-parity problems using Best Sub Tree Genetic Programming', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2007-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='The NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='J. P. Pecuchet', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2007-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Genetically Designed Multiple-Kernels for Improving the SVM Performance' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Evolving Evolutionary Algorithms using Evolutionary Algorithms', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2007-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='J. P. Pecuchet', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2007-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Improving SVM Performance using a Linear Combination of Kernels' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='M. Evolving kernel function for Support Vector Machines. In The 17th European Conference on Articial Intelligence', ProfessorId='4', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Evolutionary Computation Workshop' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='L. Computational intelligence-based model for component composition. In International Conference on Computers', ProfessorId='4', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Communications and Control' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='L. Evolutionary approach for behaviour component composition. In International Conference on Computers', ProfessorId='4', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Communications and Control' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='A Far From Equilibrium Computation System', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2006-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='the 6th IEEE Communications International Conference' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='A Far From Equilibrium Model for the Classification Problem', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2006-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Identifying and Forecasting the Efficient Frontier Using Evolutionary Computation', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2006-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='A new Computational Model Based Ising Machine', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2005-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Cellular Computing using Cellular Neural Networks – a survive', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2005-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Designing a Component-Based Machine using Multi Expression Programming', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2005-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='A New Nature-Inspired Computational Model – Ising Model with Rays', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2005-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Proceeding of7th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='A multi-objective evolutionary approach to the portfolio optimization problem', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2005-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling Control and Automation' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Cooperative Learning for Distributed Data Mining', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2005-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='International Conference – the Impact of European Integration on the National Economy' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='A new Computational Model Based on Ising Machine – Ising model with rays', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2005-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='7th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Far From Equilibrium Computation and Particle Swarm Optimization', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2005-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='International Conference on Theory and Applications in Mathematics and Informatics – ICTAMI 2005 September 15-18' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='A Comparison of Genetic Programming and Statistical Methods for Solving Prediction Problems', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2004-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='International Conference on Computers and Communications' 
INSERT INTO publications SET Title='Statistical methods versus Genetic Algorithms – the case of market model', ProfessorId='4', PublicationDate='2004-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Proceedings of the Symposium Colocviul Academic Clujean de INFORMATICA' 

In [68]:


In the end, the DB only required ~4 manual modifications with this code.

Note that the Authors column is empty. To fill this, one must update and try to extract author names from '.' and ',' frequency features, or by other methods.